What is my Rough Theatre?
My rough theatre is centered around the oldies, the in betweens, and the good times. Growing up I never looked at film as an art form. I thought editing on a computer and the cinema were two totally different subjects. Filming a movie requires perfect coordination which I think can sometimes limit creativity. Back when i was about 7 years old, my brother and I would make commercials on a tape recorder. They were in no way well-shot or professional but they were entertaining forsure. Then as I got older and started to skateboard, I would shoot skateboard edits on a little flip video camera which had 1080p- a groundbreaking definition at the time for such a small item. Then as I matured into high school years my friends and I invested in a DSLR and shot some pretty cool stuff. Our edits were always goofy, relaxed and fun- but also looked really cool in the end. My point is that my rough theatre is a relaxed spontaneous theatre. There are no shotlists, no schedules, and certainly no budgets. It is not highly dressed, and there are no crowds coming out to watch. Its just plain and simple fun- the reason why most of us are attracted to making a career out of film in the first place.
Here is a link to some of the videos I am talking about.